Log-ins on Hedron are handled by LogTo.

LogTo is a third-party service that handles user authentication. None of the data you provide to them is used for any other purpose than to authenticate and serve you on Hedron. You can find out more about them on their website.

As Hedron is now officially at 1.0, all of the major site components are complete! And you can create an account to manage all of your content on our site -- including your custom homebrew and worlds!

By signing in (and thus creating an account), you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

In short, your data is yours. We just provide tools and hosting, and we aren't responsible for the content you upload.

You can find these docs on any page by clicking "Legal Information" at the page footer.

Had an Account on Hedron before LogTo?

You can still log-in with your existing account! Just use the same email, even if you choose to no longer use "Log-in with Google".