The Burning of Litwood

Calendar Events
Mornewaith Regional Calendar Date: 11-3-305

On the 3rd night of the 11th month, 305 FA (Faer Arrival), a light could be seen slowly consuming the dark western sky of Gilmoril, as if the sun had begun rising from the wrong direction. The flames roared high into the sky and could be heard across the land. Mass hysteria broke out as many believed it was the end times, especially amongst the Faer.

When the sun rose in the east the next morning, all were relieved. It was only a few hours after that when the wind would change directions. The winds, which normally blew east to west, had flipped and began dragging a cloud of soot and ash over the entire region, choking out the sunlight that had only recently set the peoples worries to rest. The ash blanketed the lands like a dark and depressing snowfall, but none were hit harder than the people of Westhill, the closest city to the forest. They were all but forced to leave their homes and possessions in a mass exodus.

It has been 70 years since that time, and still the plume of ash rises to the west. Luckily the winds keep Gilmoril from sharing the same fate as the western Ashlands, but for the few days a year when the winds change once more.

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Last updated 2 months ago by Brad-TalesUntold
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