The Absolute Calendar Origin Date: Undefined Date Format
The Absolute Calendar passes time at the same rate as this calendar.

Your Basic Real life calendar.

Calendar Units:
  • 1 Second (Sec) = 1 Absolute Unit
  • 1 Minute (Min) = 60 Seconds
  • 1 Hour (Hr) = 60 Minutes
  • 1 Day (Day) = 24 Hours
  • 1 Week (Wk) = 7 Days
  • 1 Month (Mth) = 30 Days
  • 1 Year (Yr) = 12 Months
  • 1 Decade (Dcd) = 10 Years
  • 1 Century (Cnt) = 100 Years
  • 1 Millennium (Mlm) = 1000 Years
  • 1 Decamillennium (Dml) = 10000 Years
  • 1 Hectocentennial (Hcl) = 100000 Years
  • 1 Semester (Sms) = 18 Weeks
  • 1 Quarter (Qrt) = 3 Months
  • 1 Megaannum (Ma) = 1000000 Years
  • 1 Eon (Eon) = 1000000000 Years
  • 1 Eternity (Etr) = 0 Absolute Units
Date Format:
Convert this time:
0 Seconds, 0 Minutes, 0 Hours, 0 Days, 0 Weeks, 0 Months, 0 Years, 0 Decades, 0 Centurys, 0 Millenniums, 0 Decamillenniums, 0 Hectocentennials, 0 Semesters, 0 Quarters, 0 Megaannums, 0 Eons, 0 Eternitys
No converters in use, please add one!
Visibility: Public
Last updated 1 month ago by bt_hebert89
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